Wheathampstead Magazine
Good Works by Local Charity
Local charity Greyhound Compassion helps to raise awareness of the plight of greyhounds and the long shadow cast by the racing and gambling industries.
The Greyhound is a breed of dog, a sighthound which has been bred for coursing game and Greyhound racing. Greyhounds are tall slender graceful smooth-coated dogs characterized by swiftness and keen sight and are a gentle and intelligent breed.

Registered charity Greyhound Compassion is based in Wheathampstead and raises much needed funds for small greyhound shelters who rescue and rehabilitate ex-racing greyhounds. They told Local Life that many greyhounds sustain injuries whilst racing, some fatal (75% fatalities occur on the first bend). In 2017 1,100 greyhounds died within racing - 257 trackside and 393 on “economic grounds” or because no home could be found. It is not known how many did not even make the grade as a puppy.
Greyhound Compassion also funds a shelter in Spain rescuing hundreds of galgos (Spanish sighthounds) who are abandoned at the end of the hare coursing season in the countryside every year.
Funds raised go towards vet fees, dog food bills, kennel repairs and maintenance and homing costs.
Since the rise in large-scale adoption of retired racing Greyhounds, the breed has seen a resurgence in popularity as a family pet.They are lazy and affectionate. Their main pleasure is your sofa or a soft, relaxing bed. Please contact us www.greyhoundcompassion.org if you can offer a loving home to a rescued greyhound.

Lucinda Read from the charity said ‘We're passionate about the welfare of these intelligent and gentle creatures and warmly welcome all new members and supporters. Together, we make a real difference to thousands of ill-treated greyhounds, in the UK and beyond.’
To help rasie funds for this worthy cause, a Charity Spring Sale is planned at the Mead Hall in East Lane on 30th March 12:00pm - 3:30pm,. Mother’s Day & Easter Gifts as well as a variety of gifts, collectibles, jewellery, nearly new designer clothes, cakes, crafts, plants, tombola & refreshments for sale. Something for everyone! The event will raise money for rescued greyhounds and galgos. Everyone is welcome!
For more information visit Website