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What's On - Regular Events


There’s always so much happening in and around our area. Check out our round up of the best things to do and see on your door step or within easy reach. Click through to the event organiser’s web site where available for full details.



Please contact event organisers for full detail, ticket prices and availability

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• Foodbank
Confidentiality is assured. Community Centre, Hilldyke Road 12.30 - 2.30 every Thursday. Tel: 01582-832011 or 01727 613019

• Recreation for the Retired
Memorial Hall, All welcome. Table tennis, darts, crib, scrabble. 2pm-4pm most Fridays.

• Wheathampstead Dementia Friendly
Comunity Group Coffee Morning The Mead Hall, every 1st and 3rd Wednesday,
10.30am - 12pm Margaret 01582 832368 Isobel 01582 832439

• Fit Camp
Get fit with other Mums and bring your own baby! Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9.15am at Memorial Hall Playing Fields

• W.A.S.P.S. After School Play-Scheme
Fantastic, affordable and experienced child-care before and after school each day, Beech Hyde Primary School,

• Quiz
Have a great evening at the weekly quiz every Wednesday 8 p.m. The Swan Wheathampstead

• Harpenden Riding for Disabled(RDA) Group
Subsidised lessons to local people (over the age of 5) with physical disabilities or learning difficulties, each supported by 3 volunteers. Thursday 5.15-6.10pm & 6.10-7pm term time. Greenacres, Lower Luton Road Batford.

Contact Tim Roberts 07778 519569,

• ALF Bingo for over ‘60s
Mead Hall, 6.30 for 7pm, last Tuesday of the month (except December, January and August). Good company, cash prizes, raffle and a nice cuppa! Lifts available if you need transport. Phone Colin on 07790 639735

• Welwyn Roman Baths

Tunnel through time to the world of the Romans - with a visit to Welwyn Roman Baths. see some fascinating remains which have survived from Roman times Learn about how the Romans liked to relax with an elegant culture of bathing, and admire their creativity and style.. Also on display are archaeological finds from the Welwyn area January to November Weekends and Bank Holidays 2 - 5pm, Last admission is at 4.30 pm. Welwyn Roman Baths, Welwyn Bypass, Hertfordshire AL6 9FG

tel: 01707 357850

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• Coffee in the Chancel
Various days throughout the week St Helens Church Wheathampstead 9am–11:30 am

• Herts Musical Memories
Singing for people with dementia & their carers/
loved ones. Monday mornings 10.30am - 12.00
midday. Memorial Hall Call Wendy Hyams
07984 588532 or Kerry Brabant 0208 9505757

• Slimming World Group 

Hilldyke Community Centre, Wheathampstead. Thursday eves at 5.30pm and 7.30pm

St John's Church Hall, Southdown, Wednesday eves at 7.30pm

Fran 07968 974 880

• Wheathampstead Community Library
Baby Rhyme Time
Thursdays 10.30 – 11.00am. This is for children aged up to two and a half.

Knit, Natter and Know (KNK)
10am to 12 noon on a Wednesday and on the third Friday of the month runs a special event for people wishing to learn a new craft. 


Saturday Story Time
Saturdays 9.30 – 10am This session is aimed at children aged 4 – 7.

Toddler Time
Mondays 2.30 – 3.00pm. For mums, dads, grandparents or carers who can come before picking up older children from school. Aimed at
children aged two and a half to four and a half.

Internet Cafe
(Tech with a cup of tea) 10am till 12 noon on
Tuesday. Help with your PC, tablet or phone

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