Wheathampstead Magazine

Clubs & Groups... If you're looking for a local activity, you’re bound to find something in our clubs and groups section. There’s a big selection to choose from which also includes societies, organisations, and clubs for kids too. Click through to the club’s website, where available, for full details.
Art Group
The art group get together to paint on Wednesday afternoons, 2 – 4 pm, in the Green Room, Memorial Hall, Marford Road, Wheathampstead. Beginners are welcome. Periodically we invite artists along to do demonstrations or workshops. Contact Jean Gatehouse 01582 832952 or Maureen McCaffrey 01582 833719 for further information.
Brownies and Guides
1st Wheathampstead Brownies meets at St. Peter’s in Gustard Wood on a Tuesday.
3rd Wheathampstead brownies meet at the Scout Hut on a Thursday.
1st Wheathampstead guides meets at Mead Hall on a Friday. All units are currently full so for the waiting list register at girlguiding.org.uk
Beavers Cubs and Scouts are popular in Wheathampstead and meet regularly at Mead Lane in Wheathampstead as follows:
• Beaver Colony Wednesday
Contact Karen Oxley:- gsl1stwheathampstead@outlook.com
Cubs & Scouts
Meet regularly at Mead Lane
• Mead Cub Scouts Tuesday 6:30-8pm
• Delaport Cub Scout Pack Wednesday 6:30-8pm
• Amwell Scout Troop
Monday 7:30-9pm
• Lamer Scout Troop Friday
• Explorer Scouts Thursday
Contact Karen Oxley:- gsl1stwheathampstead@outlook.com
Dementia Friendly Group
Friendly group for dementia sufferers and their carers meet twice monthly for conversation and friendship. First and third Wednesday of each month 10.30 -12 noon at the Mead Hall East Lane, all welcome.
The Hardynge Choir
The Choir is keen to help people experience the joy of choral singing, and welcomes new members, whatever their previous expertise, especially Altos, Tenors and Basses. We rehearse on a Monday evening 7:45pm and 9:45pm during school term time at the School Hall of St Helen’s C of E Primary School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead
Call Primrose Watts 01582 460092 www.hardyngechoir.org
Horticultural Society
Meets on the first Wednesday of the month (except August and January) at 8.00pm in the Memorial Hall. Affiliated to The Royal Horticultural, The Dahlia and The Fuchsia Societies, interesting talks including garden travels, local gardens, good plants for our visits are held during the year and our Annual show held September. Visitors are very welcome.
Lawn Tennis Club
The Club has 3 all-weather floodlit courts, a short tennis court and a clubhouse located in the heart of Wheathampstead on Marford Playing Fields, just alongside Brocket View. Wednesdays at 6.30pm every week, or Sundays at 10am most weeks. Visit the website for further information wltc.org.uk
Mead Quilters
The group was formed just over 26 years ago and meet on the first Tuesday morning of each month from 9.45-12.15 and the third Tuesday evening of the month from 7-9.15pm. For further information visit the group’s website meadquilters.org
Music and Singing
Introducing the Clover Singing Club, a new concept in ensemble singing for ladies, with emphasis on laughter and relaxation. Try us out - first session free. No need to read music. Sessions are term time on Mondays 1.15-3.15 p.m., Mead Hall, Wheathampstead. Contact Charlotte 07791 741233
Patient Participation Group
Initiatives include highly successful weekly Pilates classes and we arrange at least three medical talks a year in the Memorial Hall. WPPG members receive quarterly Newsletters with useful medical updates and details about forthcoming talks. Please visit wheathampsteadppg.org.uk or telephone David Law on 01582 833628
1st Wheathampstead Rainbows meet at the Scout Hut on Monday evening.
2nd Wheathampstead Rainbows meet on a Tuesday at Mead Hall
All units are currently full so anybody wishing to put their daughter on the waiting list should register at girlguiding.org.uk
Thursday Club for the Disabled
The Club has very clear objectives to welcome and support disabled individuals, for whatever reason, within Wheathampstead Parish. We meet every Thursday in school term time, lunch and entertainment provided, together with much valued social companionship. Call Maggie Fleetwood on 01438 832523.
Wheathampstead Archery Club
Was founded in 1956, and has about 70 members. Always happy to welcome newcomers; beginners or experienced. Beginners will need to complete a beginner course run by our Archery GB qualified club coaches. There is a Junior Section for ages from 10 to 18.
The Wheathampstead Community Group
This group seeks to support anyone in the Parish of Wheathampstead who is looking for assistance. Call Marion on 01582 834238. If you need transport to a hospital or the doctor – call 01582 834028. If you wish to volunteer ring Chloe Griffiths on 01582 833628
Wheathampstead Cricket Club
The Club has five adult teams and an expanding colts section. Cricket is played on Nomansland Common on Saturday and Sunday throughout the season, with occasional mid-week and evening fixtures. WCC has some of the best cricket facilities in the county. New players and spectators welcome. wheathampsteadcc.hitscricket.com
Wheathampstead Dramatic Society
The Dramatic Society is always looking for new members who would like to join this friendly group. Information about our next planned production coming soon. wheathampsteaddramaticsociety.co.uk
The Wheathampstead Business Group (aka “WEB”)
The Club aims to proactively enhance and secure the long-term future of Wheathampstead as a dynamic trading area for the benefit of the whole community. Contact Adam Collis chair@wheathamsptead.org.uk
Wheathampstead & District Preservation Society
The aims of the group are to protect what’s best about the village, make the best use of its assets. The more members we have, the louder our voice. 01582833789
Wheathampstead W.I.
Every 2nd Wednesday 7.30pm at the Mead Hall in East Lane W/stead. Social events and outings throughout the year. See W.I Notice board in High Street for more information or join us at our Friday Coffee Mornings 10.30-11.45am in the Mead Hall or Contact our Secretary Karen Benomran Wheathampsteadwi@outlook.com New members always welcome.
Wheathampstead Wanderers Football Club
This club was formed in 1990 to promote and support youth football for the benefit of children and young people in Wheathampstead and surrounding areas. An FA Charter Standard Club, granted in 2008, with around 300 boys and girls playing football. wheathampsteadwanderersfc
Wheathampstead U3A
Open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired. No qualifications are needed, and none are given. Make friends, learn new skills or refresh old ones through our wide range of interest groups. Enjoy first-rate speakers at monthly meetings in the Memorial Hall and participate in organised outings to places of interest. Find out more at wheathampsteadu3a.co.uk
Wheathampstead Warriors