Wheathampstead Magazine
More Useful Contacts...
Mind in Mid Herts supports people who are suffering from mental or emotional distress www.mindinmidherts.org.uk
Turning Point improves loves through support across mental health, learning disability, substance misue, the criminal justice system and employment Tel; 0207 4817627 www.turning-point.co.uk
Age UK Hertfordshire - InTouch A telephone support service for people aged 50 and over.Tel: 01992 629358 or 01992 634964 www.ageuk.org.uk/Hertfordshire
Alcohol Concern Support For those affected by alcohol. Weekdays 9am-8pm, weekends 11am-4pm. Drinkline helpline: 0800 917 8282 www.alcoholconcern.org.uk
Big White Wall Anonymous online community to share troubles guided by trained professionals. www.bigwhitewall.com
ChildLine 24-hour counselling service for children and young people.
Tel: 0800 1111 www.childline.org.uk
FRANK Offers a 24-hour confidential helpline for young people, parents and carers with questions or concerns about alcohol or drugs. Tel: 0300 123 6600 www.talktofrank.com
Hertfordshire NightLight An out-of-hours weekend service for people in Hertfordshire who are feeling distressed or experiencing a crisis. Helpline available 6pm-12am and the centre is open until 2am, Friday to Monday. Tel: 01923 256 391
JOCA - Just One Click Away Local support, guidance and a friendly ear, especially for men. 24/7 via email. Email: joca@welwynrfc.co.uk www.jocawrfc.co.uk
Maytree Provides residential space for those in a suicidal crisis.
Tel: 0207 236 707 www.maytree.org.uk
Shelter Housing advice 365 days of the year.
Tel: 0808 800 4444 england.shelter.org.uk
Spectrum - Hertfordshire Drug and Alcohol Services Out-of-hours helpline providing advice on drug and alcohol use. Tel: 0800 652 3169 www.changegrowlive.org